ACSOL will host a conference on June 16 and 17 in Los Angeles focused upon solutions to daily challenges faced by U.S. registrants, family members, and those who support them. The conference will address topics of interest to registrants and family members throughout the nation such as housing, employment, domestic and international travel, parole and probation conditions, as well as post-conviction relief.
“This conference was created for you, the registrant and your family members. It was not created for professionals in this field. You will be immersed in a supportive environment full of others who experience similar challenges,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.
The conference will include four national speakers and 24 workshops. Keynote speakers include sociologist Emily Horowitz, law professors Catherine Carpenter and Ira Ellman, as well as attorney Larry Dubin. Emily will share the exciting results of her recent research that reveals the truth and debunks the myths regarding registrants. Catherine will discuss the unconstitutionality of registration systems throughout the nation. Ira will discuss past mistakes of the U.S. Supreme Court, including its decision that registration is not punishment, as well as pending opportunities the Court has to correct them. Larry will share what he has learned as the father of a son who is both autistic and a registrant.
The conference workshops will provide information regarding housing and employment opportunities, family issues, emotional support groups, immigration, advocacy, LGBTQ rights, as well as parole and probation conditions. Workshops will be led by Chance Oberstein, Pamela George, Alex Gittinger, JoEllen Wiggington, Janice Bellucci, and others. Panelists include criminal defense attorneys Alex Landon, Dylan Ford, and Laura Arnold, who litigated the landmark Taylor decision in the California Supreme Court regarding residency restrictions.
It’s easy to sign up for the conference online by clicking on the conference banner at the top of every page on our website or at The early-bird rate of $95 is only available until April 30. The cost of the conference includes morning and afternoon snacks as well as lunch on Saturday. Scholarships are available for those who serve as volunteers. Please send inquiries regarding volunteer opportunities to
Housing opportunities are also available for conference attendees. Anyone interested in sharing housing should send inquiries to Roger at
ACSOL Conference Web Site / Sign Up
I’m excited to attend this years conference. I learned a lot when I was able to attend a NRSOL conference, and this years ACSOL conference has a good list of speakers and topics I am looking forward in hearing.
Also I love to get to know other families and registrants, as well as hear their experiences.
I’ve already signed up for the conference.
I would like to encourage anyone who is not sure about coming that these conferences are not only informative because of the great speakers, they are also a wonderful way to help with the feelings of isolation that come with our situation. You will have an opportunity to meet and talk with other wonderful people who will understand exactly where you are coming from and know that you are a “normal” person who has been catapulted into a catastrophic place. I hope I see lots of you there.
I wish I could go to this event but I am currently on parole and wearing an ankle monitor. I’m free without freedom. Will this event be recorded for those of us that can’t go? I would be willing to pay for it. Thank you. I have so many questions.
Hope! That is the #1 thing I received when I attended NRSOL conference.
I felt hope because I found that I wasn’t alone. I found that trying to hide in my “rabbit hole” and avoiding making waves DIDN’T WORK because the legislative “foxes” kept dragging me out of my hole with their never-ending new punitive laws. I learned then that what DOES WORK is to be united in fighting for justice. I met people who I could relate to and who shared a common dream: swinging the pendulum back in registrant’s favor. And I heard speakers describe how I could do my part in helping to push that pendulum back toward sanity.
This conference was created for US REGISTRANTS and OUR SUPPORTERS, NOT for specialists in the field of registrants. It is a practical way to learn what we can do to make a difference, and when we take action, we feel HOPE! It’s incredibly low cost. It’s near tens of thousands of registrants and their supporters in Southern California. What’s not to like?
It took Janice and others a lot of work to put together this great conference. Let’s support it, especially those living near the conference.
My parole supervisor won’t let me go to a movie theater, to church, (without a letter from the church taking full responsibility for my presence) or to the gym, since gyms have daycare. He’s not going to let me go to LA. He doesn’t seem to be a big fan of anyone who must register.
“Challenges?!” It’s more like a life-ending impediment for me. No one should have to live in survival mode forever while walking on eggshells and waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I feel as though my life under siege and attack 24/7. I’m a prisoner of my own life because I’m forced to live a lie. Megan’s law exploits unwarranted fear and the presumption of risk.
If there is but one resounding lesson life has taught me, it is to fight for that which is important and if you fail, get you back up and fight some more. Those who think they can – will. Those that think they can’t – won’t.
I read Emily’s book and I am so looking forward to hear her latest findings. I urge everyone to read it. The title is “PROTECTING OUR KIDS- How Sex Offender Laws Are Failing Us”
I looked up Catherine Carpenter on YouTube. She is amazing. After watching her talk on the constitutionality of the registry, there is no doubt in my mind that it is wrong. The registry is punishment. And children on the registry goes directly against juvenile justice system.
I strongly admonish everyone to attend. These kind people are taking time out of their lives to help us.
Hi Everyone. I’m hoping someone can provide a full account of this meeting as it will be important to share with others whom cannot attend. I personally cannot attend due to cost, but am willing to support in other ways. I’m up in Berkeley and the cost would exceed my budget: travel, food, registration etc. I sold my car last month to go to Europe as a graduation gift to myself. Now I’m on a tight budget.
Will this be streamed live? Or can someone stream it so I can tune in? email is reachconnectempower at gmail dot com 🙂
I will post details about my recent travels to Europe in another post.
As the date for the conference approaches, we are excited to announce that more than 150 people have signed up to attend! We look forward to the keynote presentations by Emily Horowitz, Larry Dubin, Catherine Carpenter and Ira Ellman as well as a variety of workshops. Hope to see you there!
I would like to attend the conference, but I can only afford to attend one day. Is it still possible to sign up? If it is still possible to sign up I would like to attend the day when employment issues are discussed.
Can I still sign up? And which day will employment issues be discussed?
Thank you in advance.
The first day of the conference was a tremendous success! More than 160 registrants, family members and supporters listened to keynote speakers Emily Horowitz and Larry Dublin as well as attended workshops on employment, housing, travel, counseling and the tiered registry bill. The conference site is the beautiful and historic Southwestern Law School where there is plenty of parking and it’s free. One day passes are still available for Saturday. Join us if you can!
What a wonderful experience! Thank you Chance, Janice, Frank, ACSOL board members and volunteers for putting together such a wonderful experience! Words can’t express how grateful I am to all of you who put so much time and effort into it!
Thank you to all the families and registered citizens who were so courageous in sharing stories and experiences.
Thank you to all the speakers and academics who are willing to share your expertise and passion for our cause!
I am so grateful, humbled and renewed in spirit for having been able to attend!
Thank you so much to Janice and the board for giving me the opportunity to participate in the first ACSOL Conference! There are no words to describe how wonderful I feel after learning so much and meeting so many amazing people! Helping to moderate the LGBTQ panel with extraordinary new friends Bill and David opened my eyes to extensive, detailed information about our own community! I am eternally grateful to both of them for their guidance (and Pam’s advice) that boosted my confidence and helped me with a presentation I could feel proud of. So many incredible speakers shared a treasure trove of important information that will empower all of us to fight for our rights: Emily, Catherine, Ira, Janice and Chance, etc. I almost cannot wait for a 2018 ACSOL conference! The only question I will have as that one approaches: how can anyone improve on the flawless perfection of the inaugural event from June 2017?
The conference ended on a high note with keynote presentations from law professors Catherine Carpenter and Ira Ellman. We also listened to presentations from criminal appellate attorneys Laura Arnold and Dylan Ford as well as attorneys Chance Oberstein, Alex Landon and Jerome Mullins. Thank you so much to the 180+ registrants, family members and supporters who attended! See you next year!!
An amazing two days! Thanks so much for all involved. There are so many kind people that helps us. Some would say their help and concern is beyond reason. Unconditional love and justice are the words that come to mind.
I ended up attending both days of the conference. I feel that I was very fortunate to attend. If I had to describe the conference with two words, the words would be: overwhelming and hope.
Just like someone said at the conference, it’s like drinking water from a fire hydrant. So much great information. I wish I had the capacity to remember it all.
The thing I’ll remember the most about the conference is the hope that continued to grow with each word said and each idea shared. Each speaker or presenter gave me more and more hope. At first I thought we only had Janice and Chance fighting for us, but in fact we have a growing army of attorneys, professors, and mental health experts who are all very intelligent and motivated supporting our cause.
My favorite speaker was Catherine Carpenter. I could have left after her presentation. She spoke so eloquently and the way she structured her presentation was incredible. The information and ideas she shared were eye opening and heart warming.
Lastly, I’d like to thank Janice and everyone involved for putting on such a wonderful conference. Even if they don’t take my suggestion of having the conference in Vegas next year, I’ll still attend it no matter where they decide to have it. Thanks again.
How about next year it be held in San Diego. I would have loved to attend the conference this year, but being on SSI makes even a trip to Los Angeles is a challenge. Happy Father’s Day to all and hope you are enjoying your time.
Question for those that attended…
Has it been brought up by the speakers or in a Q & A about challenging the core registry as a Bill Of Attainder?
I’m not sure why this isn’t ripe to challenge since it’s been 15 years since McKune V Lile 2002 where SCOTUS didn’t fact check at all and took “80% recidivism” and “Frightening and High” recidivism as fact. Since then it’s infected hundreds of court cases and at least a thousand laws and local ordinances that have quoted SCOTUS. Nothing has been a more clear cut case of Bill of Attainder since the communism witch hunts and Japanese internment camps.
Since Ira Ellman was there, I am hoping the topic came up.